Universal Audio Sphere LX Modeling Microphone System
Microphone Modeling System with 20 Mic Models, Large-diaphragm Condenser Mic, and Sphere DSP Software Plug-in - Mac/PC VST2, VST3, AU, AAX Native

Your One-way Ticket to a Dream Mic Locker
Universal Audio Sphere LX offers a streamlined approach to the company's renowned microphone modeling system. You get a high-quality large-diaphragm condenser mic that works in concert with software that meticulously models the sonic attributes of 20 of the most coveted microphones ever made. The mic's compact design ensures flexible placement options, while IsoSphere software reduces unwanted coloration and room ambience in challenging spaces. The included Sphere DSP plug-in even lets you change your mic selections, polar patterns, and other characteristics, even after tracking. You can also blend the sound of two mono mics using Sphere LX's Dual Mode — a surefire way to maximize mic'd snare drums and guitar cabinets. Universal Audio Sphere LX is your one-way ticket to a dream mic locker.
Dual-capsule microphone with dual outputs
Why does Universal Audio use a dual-capsule microphone with dual outputs? Because it more thoroughly captures the sound field, including the distance and directional information you'd lose with a conventional 1-channel mic. This allows the Sphere LX microphone modeling system to accurately reconstruct how different mics respond to the acoustical environment. Other mic modeling technologies may apply equalization to filter the sound from a conventional microphone — which is essentially the same as applying EQ to process a recorded signal. Sphere's three-dimensional approach captures the spatial nuance, proximity effect, and off-axis response of a broad selection of microphones — 20 models in all — including legends from Neumann, Telefunken, AKG, Sony, and more. You can also use the Sphere Linear (modified to flat) or Sphere Direct (the unchanged sound of the mic), which many listeners like with no modification at all. The LX is precision crafted and — unlike some prized vintage mics — quite rugged, handling sound pressure levels in excess of 140dB before clipping. And boasting an impressive 10dB-A of self-noise, well below most vintage mics, the LX is on par with the quietest contemporary models.

Sphere DSP software
Universal Audio's powerful Sphere DSP software supports AAX, VST3, and AU plug-in formats. You'll enjoy real-time UAD processing with Apollo interfaces, with near-zero latency. You'll simply be amazed by this plug-in: it lets you capture the three-dimensional response of target mics, precisely emulating the polar patterns and off-axis sonic characteristics that are the keys to the unique sound of sought-after vintage models.
LD-47K | LD-87 | LD-87 Modern | LD-67 NOS | LD-103 | LD-12 | LD-251 | LD-800 | LD-414 Brass | LD-414 US | SD-416 | SD-451 | RB-121 | DN-20
| DN-57 | DN-7 | DN-12A | DN-409U | DN-421B | Sphere Linear | Sphere Diffuse | Sphere Direct
Unlimited flexibility — before or after recording
There's almost no limit on what you can do with the Sphere plug-in. Select your microphone type, polar pattern, and other settings before recording — and change them afterward if you wish. No more running out to your tracking room to move a mic an inch here, an inch there to minimize proximity effect. Need to punch in on a vocal, but the singer is further from the mic on the original take? No problem. Rotate the axis of the mic virtually for a more off-axis sound. Tighten your polar pattern to attenuate bleed, room coloration, or feedback susceptibility. You can make all these adjustments before or after recording. The Sphere plug-in offers a visually informative Polar Meter that dynamically displays the level and direction of signal being captured by the mic, as well as your currently selected polar pattern.