Start brain storming RAGTIME strategy and how it could serve the Lebanese market, our main concern is open an outlet to musicians where they can find everything they need - and all at the lowest prices in the nation. main goal wasl to push the standard of the music and set as the best in the country.
RAGTIME was established in 1990 by owner Omar El Sayed as a distributor of professional audio systems and solutions provider for studios and musicians. It is based in Beirut the capital city of the Lebanon, its customer base span throughout the Lebanon and into middle-east and international markets
First in Lebanon that get into the field of sound sampling and synthesizer workshop thru ENSONIQ Lebanon dealership Ragtime was the first that introduce and support oriental sampled library to musicians they can use it either on stage or on their next music hit
First time in Lebanon a retail store dedicated for music technology and supporting audio studio with latest solution starting with M-audio and Steinberg where they become the number one tools and sofrware used on every studio in the country for the last 2 decades
The most original idea and concept in the 90th was a pioneer website in the middle east that sells and support music technology online , a new idea that was carefully developed and represented as an informative link between musicians/producers with their equipment
Ragtime expend it services to covers computer equipment where it gain a fast reputation in this market sector where it serve all computer needs covering systems and parts, Ragtime also provides support, assistance and repair facilities. Our staff include Microsoft Certified Professionals, and we are a Microsoft Small Business Specialist.
Ragtime studio is been established with top notch studio equipment and was build using high world standard recording room materials and setup this Studio service music production specially for band and Set as the Official Steinberg training center in Lebanon
The big move was when Ragtime moved into it new location in cornish al mazraa an 1000m2 complex with a big showroom and studio facility , a new concept of selling an supporting music technology is been offered for clients and more than 90 brands is been sold and serviced to covers all musicians needs and budget
Studio Setup
We offer top-notch studio solution setup that meets high-standard
Piano and Guitars
We have the two top seller budget price brand Stagg & Medeli
We deliver
We provide fast delivery across Lebanon and Worldwide
The Reference